Mark Marijnissen (disambiguation)
Which Mark Marijnissen would you like to meet?
- The Poet (2023)
- The Regenerator (2022-now)
- The Organization Coach (2017-now)
- The Transformation Lead (2021-now)
- The Agile Expert (2010-now)
- The Obeya Expert (2021-now)
- The Life Coach (2013-now)
- The Host (2021)
- The Coach (2013-now)
- The Trainer (2012-now)
- The Meditator (2002-now)
- The Inventor (1990-now)
- The Artist (1990-now)
- The Husband & Father (2016-now)
- The Software Developer (2010-2020, retired)
Of course, all of the above are prone to narrative fallacies.
“Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself. I am large, I contain multitudes” (Walt Whitman, Song of Myself).